Arduino Basic Voltmeter

How to make a simple arduino voltage meter without resistor.

Today we make a simple voltage meter with Arduino. When I testing the ESP WiFi range, I found that the wifi range too low. I need a multimeter but not found around me. I use arduino as multimeter. Open Arduino IDE Software. Write code below on your project.


NAT4464 is a system designed to provide Internet access for devices that do not support IPv6 where access is only provided with IPv6. The difference between nat64 and server-side software is required as well as software on the modem.

Ubuntu LEMP auto installer

LEMP allows you to install your system quickly on your linux server. For now, only Ubuntu supports 18.04. The system is integrated with CloudFlare and Yandex Mail. In this case, the server is protected from DDOS attacks because the base address is unknown. Setup can be completed within 2 minutes.


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