Home Router

İlk olarak projenin başlangıcı Raspberry pi üzerinde kurmuş olduğum hotspot ile oldu. Daha sonra modem üzerinde de aynı değişiklikleri yapmak istedim ama modem üzerinde bulunan firmware ve donanım desteği buna izin vermiyordu. İlerleyen zamanlarda Banana pi ile devam ettim.


An operating system that is trying to remove the negative thoughts on Linux. The operating system is designed so that it can be used by a normal user, but within the professionally developed users simple-to-use applications are integrated. There is also steam for game enthusiasts and Spotify for music lovers. The interface for windows users from basic desktop environment to Linux users is similar to windows. The Advanced desktop environment is designed with Gnome’s ease of use and the freedom and innovation of Linux in mind.


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